Friday, June 20, 2014

Break the Headache Curse

When I go to bed late or have menstruation period, sometimes I usually get headaches. Whenever I suffer headache if ever I cannot stand the pain, I take medicine, drink a lot of water and go to sleep. But what I read online, their is a way to fight these headaches. It's no secret that work stress can lead to splitting headaches. Take a five-minute daily breather with visualization exercise to short-circuit stress. Skipping or delaying meals causes blood-sugar dips that can spark headaches. Keep in mind, dehydration can cause headaches, and the same goes for too much caffeine. So sip at least eight 8-ounce cups of water a day and limit your daily caffeine. When Friday night hits, you meet up with some friends, have a few drinks, stay out late, and then sleep in on Saturday. Ouch! Our head hurts due to hangover. You don't have to completely readjust your weekend routine; merely make a few tweaks. Being overweight increases your risk of developing chronic headaches, and you're in double trouble if the extra pounds are around your middle. Get your sweat on. Not only will exercise help slim you down, but it also has potent pain-relieving properties. In addition to giving you cramps and the crabbies, Aunt Flo can really mess with your head. Your best defense is a good offense. Taking one daily OTC nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkiller, such as ibuprofen, starting a couple of days before your period may help reduce some of the inflammation and blood-vessel changes that lead to migraines. Headaches may be a clue that you have a jaw problem. Possible signs of TMJ are jaw pain, ear pain, and a clicking sound when you open your mouth or chew.

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