Sunday, November 18, 2012

wall fountain here

It is nice to live in a cool, comfy, peace and quiet place. Add beauty and give accent with a beautiful with wall water fountains to your home or office. I often see wall fountain here in our country.  You can choose kinds or types of wall fountain. There is a glass wall fountains that creates a very elegant look for any decor. Art wall fountains that are handcrafted with a stunning hand painted fine art image set in a copper frame. You can also create a unique look with a stone wall fountain, many styles and sizes. Create a contemporary look to any room with stainless steel wall fountains or enhance your tranquility with a garden wall fountain made of fiberglass with a weathered stone or sandstone finish. You can also personalize your wall fountain with a business logo, mission statement, name, or even a custom image. Wall fountains are easy to install: simply un-package, hang, fill with water, then turn them on. In an article I read, wall water features are a great addition to any home, office or garden. A beautiful focal point in any room or outdoor living space, a wall fountain becomes an elegant blend of art and atmosphere. An additional benefit is the ability to provide soothing water sounds without giving up valuable floor space.

Monday, November 05, 2012

krispy kreme

I went to the bank this afternoon around 1:30 PM.  Guess what???  The line was very long, so I need to wait for my turn to be served by the teller.  When my turn came, the teller told me that the amount in words and in numbers are different.  OMG!!!  I said, what the heck!!!  I told my mom that there is an error on the check.  After the bank, I went to Krispy Kreme doughnuts and ordered for take-out.


Worldwide, cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in women. It is much less common in the United States because of the routine use of pap smears. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). A woman's sexual habits and patterns can increase her risk for cervical cancer. Cervical cancer may not cause any symptoms at first, but later, you may have pelvic pain or bleeding from the vagina.  My friend told me that I should do pap smear every year but if my husband is far away from work, I should do it every 3 years. When the doctors do pap smear, they use coloscope. A colposcope is used to identify visible clues suggestive of abnormal tissue. It functions as a lighted binocular microscope to magnify the view of the cervix, vagina, and vulvar surface. This exam allows the health care provider to find problems that cannot be seen by the eye alone.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Trick or Treat 2012

Before the month ends, my daughter and I went to the mall for trick or treat.  My brother and his daughter was there also and my churchmate and her kids was also there to enjoy the event.  Not all stalls have candies for the kids to be given, only those who have banners that says "Trick or Treat" are allowed.  There are lot of kids with different costumes, my daughter's costume was a fairy same with her cousin.  Mika was very exhausting and very sleepy as well.

All Saints Day 2012

Early morning yesterday around 6am, we went to the cemetery with relatives and we had breakfast there.  Many are putting up tents as early as yesterday, October 31.  It was very hot!!!