Sunday, March 03, 2013

Top 10 sinfully unhealthy foods to eat

I always browse yahoo for new articles that are interesting especially about health.  I really love to eat but when it comes to veggies, I am a picker. I am more than a meat lover than veggies. Now we are not saying that these delicious yet unhealthy food be avoided completely. Instead, these scrumptious treats should be eaten in moderation and not feature too heavily in your diet. Below are the top Top 10 sinfully unhealthy foods to eat:

 1. Pork scratchings
 2. Fried desserts
 3. Cheesy fries
 4. Fizzy drinks
 5. Coloured alcopops
 6. Liquid meals
 7. Processed meats
 8. Chicken nuggets
 9. Doughnuts
 10. Canned soups

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