Monday, February 20, 2012

box-type bed

Good day! Thanks to all who visited and commented on my previous entries, it's an honor. Since hubby left for work abroad, we've talked a lot about having our own bed. He let me canvass in different stores in the department stores. But as what I have told him, he said it's too expensive. Well, good thing was that somebody added me as his friend in Facebook (a furniture shop). He's actually a schoolmate of mine back in my high school days. So, I browsed his photo samples of his work and it's very nice. They are not that "high class" and expensive furniture shop, they are simple people with simple designs but unique. I asked him if how much do it cost for me to make a new bed and to my surprise, it's really cheap compared to department stores. I already made my down payment and the balance will be paid after the bed is done. Cannot wait to see the finished product. Will post an entry here when the bed arrives. Have a blessed Monday to all and God bless!

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