Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Acne Face Washes

They say that the face is the show window of the soul, and to this I agree. Therefore, we must ensure that whatever we put on our face, whether for enhancement or for medication, should be beneficial and not harmful. In the market today is a wide array of acne face washes. We must be careful and read the label before picking our choice. Packaging is only secondary; the ingredients should come first. One important consideration should be less chemical content and more of the natural extracts in what we buy. Why? Because, we are made up of cells and cells need air, water, and food. Chemical or drug is not food. On the contrary, it is harmful to the cells, thus we must avoid using it on our skin, much less on our face. It is important to be educated on what we need to feed our cells with if we want to stay healthy inside and out.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this. But I always use soap in washing my face, do you think I should stop doing it or stop using soap in washing my face. What would be your suggestions? I got an oily face so more often I get face acne. Be looking forward to your reply.
    Thank you.

