Monday, November 15, 2010

10th Anniversary

My husband and I were married last 2006 and we never celebrated our anniversary because he had to work abroad. Because of his work, there are sacrifices that are needed to sustain us financially. They say that relationships would not last after 6 years but I disagree to that, it depends on how you handle your problems. For my husband and I, we will still celebrate our 10th anniversary and many more years to come. Because of our financial status, my husband cannot give me anything special. Material things are not important to us as long as we are still together. It was my dream of receiving wedding anniversary gifts by year because I want every year to be special. The photo above of a Heart Aluminum pendant is a nice gift, I really love heart shapes. It is special for us ladies to receive something from their partner because to us it means that they really love us very dearly.

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