Friday, September 10, 2010


Before, I do not know how to use the internet. In my vacant time in school, I go to the computer laboratory to use the internet. At first, I do not know what to do or to open a browser. So, I keep asking from the in-charge what to do and from then I slowly learn how to use the internet. Here at home, we have a desktop computer. Everybody can use this computer but it is good to have your own computer until laptop came. Everybody are using social network sites right now, including me. Asides from using the sites, I also blog about my personal life. Well, not that "open-book" kind of personal life. I just do random thoughts about everything from things, family, friends and many more. I want to get a new laptop computer just for myself. They say Asus is a great brand because it is user-friendly. Online I read that Asus comes for the last four letters of Pegasus. It embodies the strength, creative spirit and purity symbolized by this regal and agile mythical creature, soaring to new heights of quality and innovation with each product it introduces to the market. Sounds interesting, don't you think? Well, I will recommend Asus to my friends also.

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